A-Frames – a Good Sign

A-FramesNearly every city sign code prohibits these freestanding folding signs, but nearly every city looks the other way when it comes to enforcement. Yes, these impromptu marketing signs can be unsightly, and yes, they often partially interrupt smooth pedestrian flow on downtown sidewalks. But show me a street with lots of a-frame sidewalk signs and I’ll show you a vibrant, active street. The signs are friendly, people-scale promotional tools inviting you in for dinner, antiques or just a latte.

A-frame signs usually have an accessible homemade look that adds warmth and interest to the streetscape. Some are even well designed and others feature clever illustrated cutouts of the chef or even daily chalkboard menu updates or tell you what time the soccer match and happy hour starts. Urban designers often reference European examples for good people-based streets and these homey a-frames are right out of Rome, Madrid, Paris or anywhere people gather, stroll or eat. True, the catalog-available plastic a-frames aren’t as charming as the homemade variety, but the message is the same –there are things to do on this street.