43 E Colorado Blvd #200

Pasadena, CA 91105


LA County Parks

Natural Areas rich with native flora, fauna and cultural history

Collaboration with: LA County Parks

Explore the endless hiking trails, wildlife sanctuaries, playgrounds, and picnic areas. Interpretive maps and storytelling help guide visitors into the perfect gateway to nature, inspiring appreciation and conservation.

The design and planning of the LA County Natural Areas project aim to create an immersive, educational experience that connects visitors to the beauty of the natural world. The thoughtfully designed elements, such as custom-cut corten steel kiosks, add a modern yet rustic touch to the park, while illustrative, visitor-centric maps guide visitors through the trail system. The project emphasizes interpretive storytelling, highlighting the rich flora, fauna, and local cultural history, offering insights into the natural environment. With amenities like nature centers, wildlife sanctuaries, campgrounds, hiking trails, playgrounds, sports fields, and picnic areas, the design ensures that every visitor can enjoy and appreciate the park’s diverse offerings, inspiring a deeper commitment to protecting local wildlife and natural resources.